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  1. Deluxe Rolling Multipurpose Table by OakRidge™    XL-347787 Deluxe Rolling Multipurpose Table by OakRidge™    XL-347787
    2 Options Available

    $159.99 $119.99
  2. 377913

  3. 309355

  4. Foldable Storage Container-370332 Foldable Storage Container-370332
    2 Sizes Available

    $29.99 $14.99
  5. 369588

  6. 312638

  7. 375542

    $6.99 $2.99
  8. 353157

  9. 377096

  10. 375544

  11. 303188

    $14.99 $12.99
  12. 311876


    25% Off Select Overstocks

  13. 331305

    $11.99 $9.99
  14. 376871

  15. 353156

  16. 372168

  17. 378398

  18. Flip Cover Ottoman by OakRidge™-308898 Flip Cover Ottoman by OakRidge™-308898
    2 Options Available

    $49.99 $29.99
  19. 303206

    $39.99 $29.99
  20. 344599

  21. 344998

    $11.99 $9.99
  22. 331304

    $11.99 $9.99
  23. 376728

    $59.99 $19.99
  24. Woolite® Vacuum Storage Bags-376980 Woolite® Vacuum Storage Bags-376980
    Icon of product feature
    3 Sizes Available

    $12.99 $6.99
  25. 362437

  26. Scented Drawer Liners, Set of 6-374736 Scented Drawer Liners, Set of 6-374736
    3 Options Available

  27. 369646

  28. 358129

    $129.99 $99.99
  29. 333016

  30. 329893

  31. 361653

    $69.99 $39.99
  32. 374574

  33. 359696

    $69.99 $49.99
  34. 374169

  35. 330420

  36. 361652

    $79.99 $49.99
  37. 359362

  38. Pull-Up Tree Storage Bag-371969 Pull-Up Tree Storage Bag-371969
    2 Sizes Available

  39. 309363


Storage & Organization at Miles Kimball

From DVD’s to documents, fishing lures to photographs — whatever you want to put in order or store — you’re sure to find the perfect way to do that among our many containers and organizational products. Let us help you clear the clutter and save space anywhere it’s needed.

Resolve to Clear the Clutter

After the Christmas holidays, start your organization resolution with our Clear Ornament Chest. We even have storage solutions for your holiday tree and wreaths. You’ll be amazed at the specialized containers we carry for all sorts of items, like our DVD Storage Case, Magazine Storage Bag, or Remote Control Organizer Stand, conveniently designed to hold the exact items you’re looking to arrange.

Check out our excellent storage stands, like the handy Over-the-Door Storage Rack, which gives you loads of room to put hats, shoes, belts, ties, etc., neatly out of sight. For your kitchen pantry or bathroom, consider our 4-Tier Metal Basket Tower, which combines attractive, versatile styling with tons of room for anything from bananas to bath towels. Tired of searching everywhere for your shoes? End the aggravation with a Seven-Tier Shoe Rack, where you can neatly and reliably place all your “go-to” footwear.

Where Aesthetics Meet Organization

To take organization to the level of art, we suggest one of our elegant furniture pieces that also provides storage space, such as our Flip-Cover Ottoman, created exclusively by OakRidge™; or the lovely Four-Tier Wicker and Metal Shelving Unit, which features a gorgeous scrolled-metal frame. Another great-looking piece is our Shaker-style Horizontal Bookcase, finished in a warm honey color.

Count on Miles Kimball to help you clear away and tidy up with our reasonably priced containers and organization aids. That way, you’ll have enough room for NEW shopping finds!


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