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  7. 358115


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  8. 376899


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  9. 358418


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

  10. 375217

    $174.93 $139.99
  11. 376525


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

  12. 378518


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  13. 358654


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  14. 373297


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  15. 350883


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  16. 378360


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  17. 374108


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

  18. 377478

  19. 362813


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

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  22. 377930


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

  23. 378550

    $44.98 $39.99
  24. 377933


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

  25. 378572

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  26. 375836


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

  27. 378159


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  28. 376917


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  30. 375549


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  37. 378552

    $44.98 $39.99
  38. 355125


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  39. 369429


    BOGO 20% Goose Outfits

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Welcome to Gaggleville™!

It all began with Gibby Goose and her decision to move to Gaggleville. Gaggleville is a picturesque town nestled between lush, rolling hills. Within it, a wonderful community of geese live their day-to-day lives. It's the perfect place to live for anyone — individuals and families alike. The community is very tight knit and is always looking out for one another, as Gibby Goose found out when she first stepped off the train. Mayor Sally the Social Butterfly, who was the first who greeted Gibby, is always on the lookout for new residents, helping them move into town, introducing them to other Gaggleville residents and setting them up in their perfect job. Learn more about the residents of Gaggleville and each of their characters here!

Gibby Goose Clothes

Deck out your Gaggleville porch goose with some cute goose outfits. Our lawn goose is sure to perk up your patio or backyard and provide endless conversations about Gaggleville and its unique and adorable residents. This high-quality outdoor lawn ornament is designed to look like a real white goose — but don’t leave it at that! It’s meant to be paired with its own cheerful wardrobe pieces that are perfectly suited for every day of the year.

Transform your fowl friend into a whimsical character with the addition of an adorable outfit, which can be customized to special seasons and events throughout the year. Love football season? Turn your goose into Referee Ronald, who is fun, enthusiastic and a stickler for the rules. For back-to-school time, Taylor Teacher is ready for the new year! Get ready for the cold-weather seasons with Susie Snowman, a three-time Gooslympic Gold Medalist who moved to Gaggleville to open up her own ski resort.

Other seasonal options for Gibby Goose include an Uncle Sam goose outfit, Valentine’s Day goose clothing and Halloween goose outfits galore!

Year-Round Fun

Miles Kimball is your go-to source for outdoor lawn goose clothing. We’ve taken care to design outfits that will make it fun to dress up your goose all year long. Your friends and neighbors will love seeing your jolly porch goose change with the seasons, and you’ll love picking out its outfits. Our huge selection of lawn goose outfits ensures you’ll always find the perfect look for any day of the year. Change Gibby Goose’s outfit as often as you like, and shop at Miles Kimball frequently for fantastic fashions for your feathered friend. 

High-Quality Lawn Goose Outfits

You’ll have a smile on your face every time you step out the door when you order goose outfits from Miles Kimball for your favorite lawn goose. Just like our people clothes, our goose clothing is made to last and is carefully stitched from the finest materials available. These lovingly made clothing items are tailored to the unique shape of Gaggleville’s Gibby Goose and will hang beautifully on her. These outfits can also be cleaned as needed and slip on easily without the need for alterations.

Affordable Fun

All of our lawn goose ornament clothing selections are made to meet our impeccable standards. They’re cute, clever and sure to put a smile on your face. Best of all, they’re affordable, so you can order a whole new wardrobe for your lawn goose without breaking the bank.

Take a gander at our incredible selection of porch geese clothing today to find the perfect outfit for your feathered friend. Don’t have a lawn goose or hoping to grow your porch geese gander? Pick out your favorite outfits and then order a large white lawn goose (or two!) for endless entertainment.

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