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  1. Personalized Leather Key FOB-370992 Personalized Leather Key FOB-370992
    4 Options Available

  2. Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015 Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015
    6 Options Available

  3. Personalized Leather Credit Card Holder-312375 Personalized Leather Credit Card Holder-312375
    2 Options Available

  4. Leather Zipper Wallet-303263 Leather Zipper Wallet-303263
    4 Options Available

  5. RFID Leather Wallet-359111 RFID Leather Wallet-359111
    4 Options Available

  6. Personalized Leather Money Clip-314592 Personalized Leather Money Clip-314592
    2 Options Available

  7. 352035

  8. 352129

  9. 352134

  10. 352076

  11. 352047

  12. 352079

  13. Men's Stretch Belt-371874 Men's Stretch Belt-371874
    5 Options Available

    $16.99 $4.12
  14. 362556

    $29.99 $12.92
  15. KeySmart® Original Compact Key Holder-370994 KeySmart® Original Compact Key Holder-370994
    2 Options Available

    $19.99 $7.92
  16. 352081

  17. 352174


Need help finding the perfect Father’s Day gift for all the dads on your list? Shopping for Father’s Day presents is easy at Miles Kimball. We carry everything from wallets to socks and everything in between to ensure your father has all the essentials and more this Father’s Day.

Choose from a variety of fantastic gift ideas to make him smile like analog watches and leather suspenders or try a shoe shine kit for the shoe lover on your list. Whether you’re a son, daughter, spouse, friend, or family member looking to show how much you care about all the fathers in your life, you’ll find the perfect item to make every day a special occasion like a personalized t-shirt just for him.

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