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  1. 374941

    $8.99 $6.99
  2. 372259

  3. 361913

  4. Personalized Some Bunny Loves Baby Bib-373826 Personalized Some Bunny Loves Baby Bib-373826
    2 Options Available

    $19.99 $5.42
  5. Personalized Egg Hunter Tote Bag-368720 Personalized Egg Hunter Tote Bag-368720
    2 Options Available

    $24.99 $5.62

To top off all the Easter baskets, toys, candy and indoor/outdoor decorations, we have more holiday items to surprise and delight you.

Comfortable & Cozy Easter-Wear

For proud moms, grandmas, aunts, cousins — anyone you designate — we offer our Personalized Favorite Peeps T-shirt. Not only does this shirt allow you to customize who is going to wear it, but it has space for up to eight names of that person’s children, grandchildren, friends, etc. Again, you get to choose the names yourself. The cute, heart-warming design of this t-shirt makes it a marvelous gift.

Another charming item is our popular Personalized Easter Bunny Slippers, for kids up to 12 years old. Soft and cushiony, these fuzzy foot-friends are lovable plush bunnies with long bunny ears. They hug children up to their ankles, keeping little feet nice and toasty. For even more fun, have the ears personalized with the child’s initials. Just a hint: if more than one family member has received these slippers, customizing is a great way to match slippers to their correct owner, too!

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