Silicone Spoon Rests by Chef's Pride, Set of 4


A bright idea for kitchen countertops and casual buffets, these silicone spoon rests protect surfaces from messy ladles and dripping utensils — lending a pop of color while keeping things tidy. The heat-resistant silicone makes this set perfect as spoon rests for stoves. Each of these spoon rests are soft, lightweight, flexible and durable, so you can use them daily without chipping or breaking (even if dropped on a hard tile floor). Shaped like a big ladle with a generous surface to park cooking or serving utensils, each generous spoon rest is finished with a hook for convenient hanging, and the set also nests for space-saving storage. Set of 4 Silicone Spoon Rests by Chef's Pride includes red, orange, green and black. Each measures 8" long x 3 1/2" wide.
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Protect surfaces from messy ladles and dripping utensils
  • Each spoon rest is soft, lightweight, flexible and durable
  • Finished with a hook for hanging
  • Nests for space-saving storage
  • Set of 4, each 8" long x 3 1/2" wide
  • By Chef's Pride
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