Bag O'Blooms® Shade Loving Pansies


Bag O'Blooms® Pansies offer beautiful spring color no matter the garden location! Bag O'Blooms® may be hung on the deck, near the patio or in the landscape; the possibilities are endless! Pansies' heart shaped petals overlap to create the most charming blossoms! Pansies may be planted in early spring or fall. They can tolerate a light frost. Choose a location for your Bag O'Blooms® in full to partial sun, that provides protection from late afternoon heat. Plant in moist, humusy, well-drained soil and water regularly. Be sure to remove faded flowers to encourage new blooms.

Order will ship early to mid-April, weather dependent.

  • Includes 1 pack of seeds and durable hanging bag along with planting instructions
  • Hardiness Zone: 2-9
  • Annual plant grows 6-9" high
  • Plant in full to partial sun for best results
  • Blooms in spring to early summer
  • Sourced by DeGroot
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