Sunflower Large Goose Outfit by Gaggleville™

Official Gaggleville Porch Goose™ - Outfits to Fit!



An official Gaggleville™ Goose outfit!

Perfect for summer and just in time for the warm-weather months, this Sunflower Goose Outfit/Costume is an eye catching, charming addition to your outdoor garden décor. When it comes to outdoor garden décor and fun, whimsical pieces for your patio garden areas, there's nothing quite like our Large White Goose (sold separately) and his wacky wardrobe that corresponds to holidays, season and special occasions throughout the year. This brightly colored sunflower costume will stand out in your outdoor garden area with its bright sunflower-themed petals and its mini sunflower hat.

This two-piece 3D sunflower outfit is bright and happy, just like the summer sunshine, and is a perfect piece to add to your porch, entryway or garden gazebo seating area. We think this garden décor piece will be a conversation starter, especially if you swap out his outfits. For a 4th of July decoration you don't see every day, consider Mr. Goose in his 2-pc. Uncle Sam Outfit. Check out all of our Goose Outfits for everything from Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas. You can collect them all! By Gaggleville™.

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