Set of 2 Chicken Egg Timers by Chef's Pride


Cute Chicken Egg Timers take the guesswork out of boiling eggs! For perfect eggs every time, simply slip one of these chicken kitchen timers in the pot. Heat-sensing technology changes the colors of this egg timer to indicate when eggs are soft-, medium- or hard-boiled. Set of 2 resin timers, each 2" long x 1 1/2" wide. By Chef's Pride.
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  • Cute Chicken Egg Timers take the guesswork out of boiling eggs
  • For perfect eggs every time, simply slip one of these chicken kitchen timers in the pot
  • Heat-sensing technology changes the colors of this egg timer to indicate when eggs are soft-, medium- or hard-boiled
  • Set of 2 resin timers, each 2" L x 1 1/2" W
  • By Chef's Pride
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