Pumpkin Baby Goose Outfit by Gaggleville™

Official Gaggleville Porch Goose™ - Outfits to Fit!



An official Gaggleville™ Goose outfit!

When days get shorter and nights get cooler, dress your baby goose in fun fall style with this Pumpkin Baby Goose Outfit! That cute baby goose peering out of the pumpkin's top and wearing the lid deserves a prize. It’ll be the sweetest pumpkin in the patch in this plush orange outfit, complete with a cheerful jack-o-lantern grin. To really warm up the fall season, add a second feathered friend dressed in any of our other adorable Goose Outfits (sold separately). Baby goose costume is polyester with elastic hat straps. For indoor/protected outdoor use. By Gaggleville™.
  • This outfit fits our Gaggleville Porch Goose™ Baby 17" H Statue (sold separately)
  • Dress your baby goose in fun fall style with this pumpkin baby goose outfit
  • Small goose costume is polyester with elastic hat straps
  • For indoor/protected outdoor use
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