Postal Carrier Large Goose Outfit by Gaggleville™

Official Gaggleville Porch Goose™ - Outfits to Fit!



An official Gaggleville™ Goose outfit!

Neither snow nor rain nor heat will stop your lawn goose's delivery adventure with this mail carrier goose outfit. Transform your goose statue into an avian postmaster, ready to deliver mail in style. This Postal Carrier Goose Outfit includes a mail carrier jacket with collar and tie, a handy pouch for carrying tiny letters, and one piece of mail. The matching hat adds an extra professional touch to your winged courier's attire. Goose costume is made from brushed tricot, for indoor/protected outdoor use. Imported. By Gaggleville™.
  • This outfit fits our Gaggleville Porch Goose™ Large 23" H Statue (sold separately)
  • Brushed tricot material
  • Outfit includes a mail carrier jacket with collar and tie, a handy pouch, a piece of mail and matching hat
  • For indoor/protected outdoor use
  • By Gaggleville™
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