Non Electric Humidifier



At Miles Kimball, we specialize in hard-to-find items that solve real-world problems in your home. During the winter, the forced air heat can be drying. In turn, this can damage antiques, dry out your skin and provide for an overall unpleasant winter experience. With our non-electric humidifier vent covers, you can replace some much-needed moisture back into the home — without the use of electricity. These clever humidifier vent covers are easy to use and can be placed on top of your heater register. The warm air will release moisture into the air and will allow for more comfortable living conditions. Unlike radiator humidifiers, these plastic non-electric humidifiers will not rust.

Our non-electric humidifiers are easy to use: simply soak the middle piece in water until it is drenched and place it back into the casing. The heated air will evaporate the water and replace some of the humidity back into the room. Check frequently to see if more water needs to be added. Add these non-electric humidifiers to each room in your home for a more comfortable winter heating experience.

  • Non-Electric Humidifier
  • Easy to use: Simply add water to the dense foam core and put it on top of your floor vent
  • These humidifier vent covers replace moisture into the room
  • Plastic construction
  • Plastic frame is 12" long x 4" wide x 1 1/2" high
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