Elf Large Goose Outfit by Gaggleville™

Official Gaggleville Porch Goose™ - Outfits to Fit!



An official Gaggleville™ Goose outfit!

Deck your lawn goose like one of Santa's helpers and enjoy the holiday fun! Getting rave reviews from North Pole fashion critics, our elf goose outfit is delightfully dapper—in festive red and green with fabric "arms" and a jolly stocking cap, complete with pointy elf "ears". Looking like a visitor straight from Santa’s workshop, your merry little goose will be dressed and ready to deck the halls with his uniquely feathered take on Christmas cheer. An exclusive design you'll only find here, this goose costume is a Christmas classic to love each year! Polyester; for indoor/protected outdoor use. Spot clean. Imported. By Gaggleville™.
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