Bumble Bee Large Goose Outfit by Gaggleville™

Official Gaggleville Porch Goose™ - Outfits to Fit!



An official Gaggleville™ Goose outfit!

Miles Kimball is home to unique outdoor garden décor, outdoor lighting, outdoor artificial flowers and more. With all of the garden décor pieces we offer, however, there is nothing quite like our durable plastic outdoor large white Goose (sold separately), complete with its own wardrobe — also available at Miles Kimball. Could this Bumblebee Goose Outfit costume BEE any cuter? Our outdoor goose and its charming Bumblebee outfit, complete with its black and yellow winged body piece and its yellow antennae on top, hold a special place in our hearts and makes us smile. In fact, we think that your entire neighborhood will be buzzing about your goose with its exclusive bumble outfit. It's perfect for National Honeybee Day in mid-August, to celebrate the beginning of spring or summer or for other special occasions. Know someone who owns their own apiary? Then this bumblebee-costume is an absolute must have.

Don't stop at our bumblebee goose outfit, though. Add seasonal outfits to your outdoor goose throughout the entire year. Looking for truly unique 4th of July decorations? Add an Uncle Sam outfit to this garden décor piece for a Fourth of July decoration that is unlike any other. From his Squirrel outfit and Referee goose outfit to his Pumpkin goose outfit, our large white goose is a head-turning addition to any season, holiday or special occasion and is a must-buy piece for your yard. By Gaggleville™.

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