2 in 1 No Touch Tool



The importance of staying clear of public surfaces is important now more than it has ever been. But what about those surfaces that you just can't avoid completely, such as elevator buttons, ATM buttons, handicap accessible door buttons, drawer handles or pin pads on debit card purchases? This clever 2-In-1 No-Touch Tool is a great solution to all of those situations where you just can't completely avoid touching surfaces that could be ridden with germs, bacteria and viruses.

This easy-to-use no-touch tool is a quick and easy portable tool that allows you to avoid contact with those surfaces that you don't want to touch. This compact no-touch tool folds and can be added to backpacks, purses, briefcases and more. Stay contact free each and every day — wherever you go. This handy, clever tool is a must-have for everyone during the current health crisis; it is also wise to incorporate during other concerning outbreaks, such as the flu season. Protect yourself and your family with this no-touch tool. Disinfectant can be added to the hidden interior sponge for additional protection.

  • 2-In-1 No-Touch Tool
  • Portable, compact and easy to use
  • Use to push elevator buttons, operate pin pads and open drawer handles
  • Add disinfectant to interior sponges for additional protection
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